
You can either download the 3D printable Canopy tools to make your own Vacuum formed canopies or purchase Clear Plastic Canopies from the store.

IMPORTANT : I make vacuum formed canopies not for profit, but to support you the modelmaker. I run Jetworks, answer queries and design new jets in my spare time – however I have a family, a full time job, church and social life, so in order to maintain my sanity, I tend to batch produce canopy orders into one evening of making and boxing them. This typically happens once a month – I know it is not exactly Amazon but If you need one in a hurry – please let me know and I will try to accommodate you.

It helps me and reduces postage for you if you order a batch together. I am actively seeking a way to improve this service for you moving forward.

3D printable Canopy tools here

Vac Formed Plastic Canopies here