

If you CAN’T find the answer to your questions here, please first ask your question on Facebook group ‘Jetworks Family’ as this is monitored more regularly by our amazing community of builders as well as myself. I often miss emails or take time to get back to people as I (Craig) work full time and have a life outside work. I do my best!
Thanks for your understanding.

Q1. I’ve ordered plans / printed parts, but they haven’t arrived in the post

Answer. Unless you specifically chose from the KIT menu, they are digital files and not physical items. They are designed for you to instantly download from an automatically generated email upon purchase and then print/3D print at home.

If you ordered from the Kit menu, and its taken more than 1-2 weeks, Send an email to Info@Sarikhobbies.com – mention ‘JETWORKS – and your ORDER NO. – QUERY ‘ in the title.
They are made to order and can take longer in busier times.

Q2. I placed an Order and didn’t get an email with the download links.

Answer. The Website automatically dispenses and email to your posted email address (or Paypal email address) at the time of purchase. Make a note of when you ordered the item, then look through your JUNK/SPAM folders in your email program. 9 times out of 10 they are there.

Q3. Is there an instruction manual to go with the plans?

Answer. Yes. If you look on the jetworks webpage that you ordered the plans from, you will see a row of links down in the text area. There is one called ‘Build guide’ – Click this, and you can download the PDF document with a full step by step guide. Also see the amazing build guides produced by Barry and Chris on our Youtube Channel :- //www.youtube.com/@jetworks

Q4. How do I print out the plans on my home printer?

Answer. I created a video for just this scenario – Watch the Build guide video here :-