Free Plans?

My passion is to share the love and joy of flying at minimal cost, This is why for years I gave my plans away for free on RC groups.   ‘Sharing the love’!

I became quite alarmed that one day all I had nearly lost all my plans due to RC Groups server issues.  So I decided to take control and put this website together in order to become a central point to host my plans.

I have had to pay for web hosting, domain name registration and SSL and other associated costs in order to get reliable service and days of work learning how to make a website.

I added a small cost to help cover these charges, and any excess will go towards design, development, testing of new designs, adding services and products (eg canopies) etc.   I hope one day to provide kits, but I will need the infrastructure to do this which all takes money.

BUT!  I have created the CADET plans for free!  

I also have a number of schemes available where you can get the plans for free.

  • If you are under  16 years old. (proof please!)
  • If you are a Jetworks test pilot.  (you get the untested designs free)
  • If you want to help me with my promotional efforts and provide excellent photos and videos. (please email me)
  • If you don’t fit into the categories above, but can’t afford the designs for whatever reason.  (please email me directly as we don’t want you to miss out.)

I aim to charge to cover costs only.

Any excesses will go towards improving designs, media and materials – which will benefit you the Jet Modeller.

Thanks for your understanding.
