Dassault Rafale – Plans

(5 customer reviews)


Dassault Rafale

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Test pilot : Arif Isyanto 

This model has been designed to take a single 64mm -70mm EDF or pusher prop.

2018 Christmas competition winner, Arif Isyanto requested this model as his prize.



Build Guide

Rafale construction guide_2019-01-27

Shopping list

Shopping list EDF

Shopping list Pusher




Build log


5 reviews for Dassault Rafale – Plans

  1. Arif Isyanto

    Ok, today my Rafale is 7 days old. It flew 9 times. during that time I can feel the character more deep.
    I build at 100% scale from Craig Clarkstore design. The spec is 2200kv 2826, 40amp ESC hobywing xrotor micro, switching BEC 3A, 2 EMAX ES08MD, 1 EMAX ES08D, 2x5gr servo. 3000mah 25C 3s battery. All Up Weight about 850gr.

    CG in the plan works perfect for me. I apply slightly up on the elevator to prevent nose down. Solid roll, there are no noticeable nose down tendencies in the middle of roll. Tight and responsive loop, thanks to the cannard, but not so tight compared to my thrust vectoring pusher sukhoi. good high alpha performance using reverse pitch canard movement(I can reverse cannard pitch movement by TX switch during flight).

  2. Erwann

    Easy to manufacture and very good flying qualities.
    my model weighs 830grs and it is motorized with a 2836/1400, a 6×6 propeller and a 4s 2200mAh battery.
    Well done Craig

  3. Kosta

    Hey guys! Rafale…..simply the most sensitive and beautiful lady while she flies in the air! really awesome flier guys mine build has been made with EDF 70mm 6 blades and with a combo of 80A esc…even with this specs she flies like a charm! only with 60% throttle and she was cruising around very nicely, In my build i have fixed canards and even thought she respons excellent! Craig one more time released a succes to build enjoy and fly plane! excellent work guys you should build her! COG is at 4 cm as the plans providing at least i was very happy with this spot worked great for me. My model weights AUW 890gr

  4. Kostantinos

    Hey guys! Rafale…..simply the most sensitive and beautiful lady while she flies in the air! really awesome flier guys mine build has been made with EDF 70mm 6 blades and with a combo of 80A esc…even with this specs she flies like a charm! only with 60% throttle and she was cruising around very nicely, In my build i have fixed canards and even thought she respons excellent! Craig one more time released a succes to build enjoy and fly plane! excellent work guys you should build her! COG is at 4 cm as the plans providing at least i was very happy with this spot worked great for me. My model weights AUW 890gr Go fo it guys tottaly worth your time and you will really enjoy her!

  5. samael tavarez

    Excellent plane, it flies at the first attempt even in my case that I was forced to use foamboard and it was a bit heavier, in the same way flew like a fighter jet. i love this design

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